Principal Staffen's Message

Welcome to Coloma Intermediate School’s website. Our building website will keep you updated on upcoming events, successes, and opportunities. My name is Winifred Staffen and I am honored to be chosen as the new Coloma Intermediate principal. Communication is key to building a strong foundation and our website will be one tool that can keep us up-to-date. 

As I enter my new role at CIS, let me share a little about myself.  My family grew up in Lawrence. Lawrence, Michigan is a small town located approximately twenty minutes East of Coloma. I live in the country with my husband, Terry and two dogs: Ivy and Luna.  We have two children and five grandchildren and are preparing for a pony in the Spring.

My educational background consists of K-12 Administration and Director of Special Education certifications through Western Michigan University and MASSP. A Masters of Education, with a focus on Learning Disabilities, was completed at Calvin College. Bachelor degrees in K-5 Elementary, 6-12 English and minors in 6-8 Science and 6-8 Art were also completed through Western Michigan University.

My love for education has provided me with numerous opportunities that will benefit the students, staff, and community at Coloma Intermediate School. I am excited to be part of such a welcoming and positive school district.

Go Comets!


Mrs. Staffen

Coloma Intermediate Principal 

District Special Education Director

[email protected]